Top 5 Ways Chemical Companies Can Increase Website Conversion Rates

Top 5 Ways Chemical Companies Can Increase Website Conversion Rates

Derek Morgen

Digital Marketing Expert

Most people don't have the attention span that we once had. Today, digitally savvy customers often leave a website within 15 seconds. Unless a website offers engaging content or content that users find valuable, it is hard to drive engagement or conversion via websites. Therefore, it is important to have a clear value proposition and resourceful information on your website to keep visitors’ attention for longer.

To grab the attention of modern customers and get them to act or do something on a website is even more challenging. The average B2B website has a conversion rate of a measly 2.23%.

Chemical companies have the difficult task of providing technical information while captivating customers and getting them to act. But, with a few simple changes, chemical businesses can significantly increase website conversions.

Here are the top 5 ways for chemical companies can increase conversions on their website:

1. Make Product Information Modular and Searchable

The importance of searchable product information cannot be overstated for chemical companies. Chemical products’ data is inherently complex. Moreover, most producers have a vast number of products. Additionally, each product can be used in multiple applications and market segments. Making it very difficult for website visitors to find the right product in a couple of clicks. Therefore, it is important to classify and organize product data and make it modular.

Implementing a robust search functionality on the website

An intuitive and easy-to-use search function will significantly enhance user experience, reducing time spent locating a product and improving the chances of showing interest.

A robust search system will help chemical companies cater to their customers' needs more effectively, improving customer satisfaction and, ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Organize Chemical Product Information into Clear Categories

Efficient organization of product information into clear, logical categories is essential for user-friendly navigation. By categorizing products based on their market segment, application, functions, or any other relevant criteria, chemical companies streamline the product discovery process for their customers.

Clear categorization provides a seamless customer journey, presenting potential customers with exactly what they're looking for without unnecessary confusion or time consumption. An orderly display of categorized products expedites customers' decision-making process, pushing them closer to the conversion point.

Thus, a well-structured product category system is not just a matter of aesthetics but a powerful tool to help improve website conversions.

Utilizing Filters and Tags for Easy Navigation

In addition to robust search functionality and precise categorization, implementing comprehensive filters and tags is another critical aspect of enhancing website navigation. By allowing customers to refine their search results based on specific parameters, such as the type of chemical application, function, or any other relevant filters, significantly improves the user experience and speeds up the product discovery process.

Tags, on the other hand, serve as keywords associated with a product, helping to highlight its unique properties or end uses. They also improve SEO ranking, increasing the visibility of the products to potential customers using search engines.

In essence, filters and tags empower customers, giving them control over their browsing experience and making it easier to find exactly what they want. These elements are crucial for chemical companies aiming to improve their online customer journey and conversion rates.

2. Add Call-to-Actions (CTAs) with Every Product Profile

To further increase website conversions, chemical companies should include call-to-actions (CTAs) with every product profile. CTAs encourage customers to take the desired action – a quote request, sample request, or a Contact Us form – directly from the product page.

Today, 70% of Small Business B2B Websites Lack a CTA, meaning chemical companies who act quickly will seize the opportunity to stand out by providing an enhanced online customer experience.

Placing Prominent and Persuasive CTAs on Chemical Product Profiles

The placement and design of Call-to-Actions (CTAs) on product profiles significantly affect user engagement and conversion rates. It's essential to ensure that CTAs are prominently placed, easily noticeable, and intuitively designed.

They should be positioned strategically on the product page, where a user's eye is naturally drawn, such as directly next to or below the product description or near the pricing information.

Moreover, the language used in the CTAs should be persuasive and action-driven. Use clear, concise, and compelling language that explicitly tells the user what action they should take and what they will gain from it.

For instance, phrases like "Request a Free Sample Now," "Get a Quote Today," or "Contact Us for More Information" have a direct and compelling call to action.

To effectively grab attention, the design of the CTAs should be visually striking. Utilize contrasting colors, bold text, or other design elements to make them stand out on the page. However, while they should be visually distinct, they must align with the overall design of the website to maintain coherence.

Ultimately, the goal is to make it as easy and appealing as possible for customers to take the next step in their buying journey directly from the product profile.

Testing and Optimizing CTAs for Maximum Effectiveness

To ensure maximum effectiveness of your CTAs, it's crucial to test and optimize. This process is typically known as A/B testing or split testing, where two different versions of a CTA (version A and version B) are shown to different subsets of your audience.

The performance of each version is then evaluated based on various metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, or time spent on a page.

These results offer valuable insights into which version resonated better with users, thereby informing future design and placement decisions for your CTAs.

Furthermore, continually optimizing your CTAs is vital, as customer behavior and preferences can change over time. Simple tweaks, like changing the wording or adjusting the color scheme, significantly affect engagement rates.

Remember, the most effective CTAs are continually assessed, tested, and refined. While initial design and placement are important, constant optimization is key to increasing engagement and conversions in the dynamic digital landscape.

3. Enhance User Experience and Website Design

The user experience (UX) on a website significantly impacts conversions. An intuitively designed website, which makes information easy to find and provides simple steps to execute, is more likely to convert visitors into customers.

On the other hand, a complex user interface will frustrate visitors, causing them to abandon their purchase or interaction and potentially deterring them from returning to your site.

High-quality UX design considers the user's journey from their arrival on the site to completing their desired action, such as requesting a quote or signing up for a newsletter.

Crucial elements include: 

  • Clear navigation
  • Responsive design
  • Visually appealing aesthetics
  • Relevant content

Each of these contributes to a positive user experience, encouraging visitors to stay longer on the site, explore more content, and, ultimately, increase the likelihood of a conversion.

Moreover, great UX design reduces the number of steps to conversion, streamlining the process and making it easier for visitors to find what they want.

In addition, leveraging high-quality visuals, such as images, infographics, or videos, will enhance engagement and conversions by showcasing the product or service in a way that resonates with visitors. Also, adding elements such as customer reviews, success stories, or awards increases trust and boosts conversion rates.

Ensuring website speed and performance optimization

Apart from optimizing the website design and user experience, another key factor to consider to maximize conversions is website speed and performance optimization.

Slow loading times are a major deterrent to visitors, potentially causing them to give up and abandon the process entirely.

Therefore, monitoring and optimizing its performance regularly ensures your website runs quickly and efficiently.

Optimizing your website speed includes:

  • Running regular speed tests
  • Leveraging browser caching techniques
  • Compressing images and files
  • Ensuring all unnecessary scripts are removed
  • Reducing server response time
  • Using a reliable hosting provider

By taking these steps, you continue to improve your website's speed and performance, thus improving user experience and boosting conversions.

Incorporating Responsive Design for Mobile Users

Today, according to a study by Google, 53% of mobile users abandon websites that take more than 3 seconds to load. With the surge in mobile browsing, ignoring mobile optimization brings the risk of alienating a significant portion of your audience.

A responsive design ensures that your website adapts to any screen size, thus providing an optimal viewing experience on all devices, from desktops to smartphones and tablets.

A mobile-friendly website not only enhances user experience but also holds weight in Google’s search algorithm, which favors websites optimized for mobile use. Considering the increasing reliance on mobile devices for internet access, incorporating responsive design into your website is no longer an optional strategy but a necessity.

Responsive design elements to consider include:

  • Simplified navigation
  • Optimized media size and loading speed
  • Easy-to-read text layout
  • Adequate spacing between buttons for better thumb reachability

4. Leverage Customer Testimonials and Case Studies

Nothing makes a stronger case than real customer success stories. Customer testimonials and case studies effectively increase conversions by providing proof of your product's value and giving potential customers the confidence that investing in your product or service is the right choice for them.

Including positive reviews on your website boosts conversions, as it helps to establish credibility and build trust with potential customers.

Additionally, customer case studies are a great way to show how other people have achieved success using your products or services.

By providing examples from real-world scenarios, you give potential customers a clear picture of how your product works in practice and the tangible benefits it brings.

5. Implement Live Chat or Chatbot Support

In the digital age, customers expect a swift response and efficient support. One of the most effective ways to deliver this is through live chat or chatbot support. The instant nature of live chat gives customers immediate access to help. As a result, their questions are answered while they're still in the decision-making process, which enhances conversion rates.

Utilizing chatbots to handle frequently asked questions

Chatbots, or automated virtual agents, handle the most common customer queries quickly and efficiently. They are a great way to provide assistance 24/7, speeding up the customer service process and enhancing the customer experience.

They also allow customers to get answers without waiting for an actual person or searching through frequently asked questions (FAQs) pages to find the answers they need. This drastically reduces customer frustration and improves conversion rates.

Ensuring a seamless transition to human support when needed

Although chatbots provide an efficient and cost-effective way to deliver customer service, there may be times when customers need help that a chatbot can't offer. In these cases, it's essential to have a seamless transition from the chatbot to human support to ensure customers get the help they need.

This means ensuring that any conversations with artificial intelligence are quickly and easily transferred to a human customer service representative. The result is that customers will have their queries addressed promptly, increasing the likelihood of them completing their desired action.

Implementing Strategies and Tracking Results

We highly recommend implementing these strategies in your business if you haven't done so already. By digitizing your product data, optimizing your CTAs and user experience, and implementing tools like chatbots, you improve conversions on your website quickly and easily.

Finally, it's important to track the results of these changes to know what actions are effective and which aren't. This will help you make decisions about future investments in digital technologies. With proper tracking, implementation, and optimization

If you're looking for additional guidance or tools to increase website conversions quickly, visit to learn more about our digital solutions purpose-built from the chemical industry. From Product Information Management systems to eCommerce, we have a crawl, walk, run model for digitalization that can scale your chemical business’ digital presence in no time.

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